Thursday, April 5, 2012

Today's post brought to you by ETSY

Facebook, in my opinion, is a giant waste of time; however, I can't seem to stay away. It has it's good points and one of them being that occasionally something will pop up on the ads on the side that actually interests me. A couple of years ago an ad for the website popped up and I clicked on it. Etsy has become one of my favorite places to shop online. Now, I have to admit I do more window shopping than actually buying, but I still enjoy it an immense amount. I love knowing that when I purchase something, that I am buying it from an individual who made it themselves and not a giant corporation. Again, not that I don't buy things from places like Wal-Mart.

A couple of months ago I bought 10 prints from this seller... The Rekindled Page.

She takes old dictionaries that are going to be thrown away and uses the pages to put her own prints on. I love the idea recycling dictionary pages and was looking for some wall art for my house. As soon as I stumbled upon an old red telephone booth print I knew I was going to buy it and put it in my red kitchen. Lucky for me I was shopping when she was running a BOGO sale. I bought five and got five free... SCORE! Now all I have to do is frame them, which is taking me wayyyy too long. Please take a few minutes to look around Etsy, I promise you'll find something you like or something someone you know will like. And don't forget to stop by the The Rekindled Page.
Courtesy of: The Rekindled Page


  1. very cool, i will have to give etsy a try

  2. Etsy is fantastic one of the things I love about it besides the sheer awesomeness of the products, that each seller I have come across has a story and so easy item they sell has a story too which just adds more value

  3. Oh, this is really cool! I love that print. I'd never heard of Etsy before, I'm going to check it out now.

  4. I loooove Etsy. It's be best website! I buy all kinds of stuff from there.
    Great post and happy A-Z blogging!

  5. Love Etsy! I don't visit very often though because I just find too many lovely things I want!

  6. Love this idea! Can't wait to check out the page.
