Tuesday, April 10, 2012


I am a realist. I see things for what they are and I am terrible at sugar coating. I certainly don't see the sunny side of everything and I have a habit of assuming the worst. It's just who I am. I don't hate it because I know there are benefits for seeing things just as they are, but part of me wishes I could be an Idealist. Seeing things as I wish they were or as they should be, just seems like it would be easier sometimes. I know that if I always lived like that, people might think I am crazy. I just wish I had a little more idealism in my life. Idealists value morals, which I do also, but I know that so many people aren't moral so it's hard to look at the world and think of it as a moral place. They think people are instinctively good. They just see things in a better light. It's just not in my nature to be like this. In theory, I would like to become a good mix of an idealist and a realist. I know it's going to take some real work to squash my habit of being negative, but I know if I can manage it... it will be so worth it! I don't want to go around living in a fantasy world, but I want to be able to enjoy life a little more without always waiting for the other shoe to drop.. I think that if I can learn to be a little more of an idealist, I will be to live life to the fullest better. I will be able to embrace my now more and I'll smile more. So IDEALLY, I would like to dial back my realism a little bit and reel in my idealism.

What are you? An Idealist or a Realist?


  1. I am a realist but I try to keep a positive attitude

  2. Great topic. I think I am both. I'm a realist, certainly not a pollyanna type. But I can be an idealist as well. I do try to focus on the positive b/c I can really get sucked into negativity.

  3. I think I am a little of both, but you have to have some joy in your life and appreciate every day which is hard if life is difficult with many problems. Check my blog tomorrow and feel fortunate. www.castlepinesnorth.blogspot.com

  4. a bit of both mixed with the addition of perfectionist i like to call it me-ist

  5. Hmm, I think I am a bit of both. I used to be very much an idealist, thinking and hoping things were a particular way. Each time I realised things weren't as I thought though I'd get a bit distressed and down. So now instead of a thinker/hoper I am a doer. If I want something, I have to do something about it, rather than just waiting for it to happen.

    Great post.

  6. Hi! I'm both. Ideally I realistically go about my day. ha ha. Life is fun isn't it? The best part of being alive is that we can make choices...how we make them is always interesting. "Make a Joyful Noise!"

  7. it is hard to be an idealist and a realist--nice post

  8. I think I"m a bit of both:)
    Dropping by from the A-Z!

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