Monday, April 2, 2012

Ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba... BANANA


About a week or so ago, the movie Despicable Me was on HBO and my son actually stopped to notice. He is almost 16 months old and so far, nothing has really held his attention for too long on the television. However, when the little green minions from this movie appeared on the screen, he stopped dead in his tracks to take notice. He LOVED them! I mean really, really loved them. This of course made me want to look on youtube to see if I could find any clips of them for him to watch. Oh man, did I hit the jackpot... I found this little gem!

Walter is obsessed with this clip and I can't seem to get the song Barbara Ann out of my own head... GEE I wonder why?? So for Easter we found a DVD of 3 mini movies of just the minions for only $6.00, I think he's going to be very, very happy! The letter B has been widely used in our home the past couple days, so I thought it was a fitting post for the B of the A-Z challenge!

Bye-Bye... C you tomorrow!


  1. The minions are ABSOLUTELY! amazing i go back to being 4 for almost a week every time i see them !

  2. Learning kids are the happiest things to watch :) Great clip.

    --Damyanti, Co-host A to Z Challenge April 2012

    Twitter: @AprilA2Z

  3. LOL, I'd never seen these minions before but now they are stuck in my head as well. Very cute to think of your son enjoying them so much.

    I'm so glad to meet you through the A-Z, we Bengal fans need to stick together. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog!

  4. Hey! What a sweet post! I love that film so much, it made me laugh a lot! I'm glad your son enjoyed it :) I have a little brother who is 6 and nothing really holds his attention but I'll show him this film soon! I showed him some Woody Woodpecker clips on youtube the last time I was home - I have never heard anybody laugh so much in my life! He fell off of the sofa!

    Anyway, it's lovely to meet you, I'm going to follow your blog! :)

    Nikki – inspire nordic

  5. My son, 13, still loves to watch Despicable Me. We can't wait for the new one to come out.
    Your blog is a fun, friendly place to visit.

    Stopping in via the A-Z blogging challenge and decided to follow

    Bev @ Blue Velvet Vincent

  6. Lol! That is great! Thank you for stopping by and looking forward to reading more of your posts. :-)

  7. Ohhhhhh, I LOVE THEM!!!.... Absolutely gorgeous!
